
A Full Service Brokerage

Over 28 years doing insurance...

David began his insurance career in 1990 and started this brokerage in 2000; always committed to service.

We earn your business and trust.

We've placed a lot of different policies and made a lot of contacts. Expertise like ours is hard to come by.

Lake Insurance Team

Our Commitment To You...

We shop 'til we drop!

Silly as it sounds, that's what we do. What elevates us is our dilligence and dedication is what ensures our relationship with you.

Offer more than cheap insurance...

After the great rates, we service the policy and take the time to explain it. You need to know you are covered so we identify your risks.

Lake Technology Solutions, Inc.

This site is developed and administered by Lake Technology Solutions, Inc.
www.LakeTS.com | (888) 332-8082